Course Modules
Success Strategy
The Federal Public Service Commission publishes a CSS Exam review every year which indicates the common causes of failure in the Exam. The BCA gives a plan to counter these areas.
Subject Selection
CSS being a Competitive Exam, selection of optional subjects is a critical step. A methodical procedure is suggested.
Time Management
From day one of the CSS presentation , the aspirants need to set a Plan for timely and orderly completion of various preparation steps. Time management is equally important for attempting questions of any Paper during the Exam. The suggested strategy may help the aspirants for better time planning and management.
Vocabulary building
Poor Vocabulary results in poor credit/marks. Deficient vocabulary makes it difficult to present the stuff impressively. Some Tips and Tricks are given to build a good stock of vocabulary.
Comprehension skills
The CSS written exam is directly linked with the comprehension ability of an aspirant. In addition to the formal Questions given in Precis and Composition Papers, comprehension skills are practically evaluated by the Examiners in each Compulsory and Optional Paper. The suggested strategy may help the aspirants.
Knowledge Bank
During Exam Preparation, the aspirants collect data, information and research material from various sources. The BCA gives a Plan regarding evaluation and reliability of knowledge and how to make the best use of it.
Organization of knowledge
The bulk of knowledge collected during the course of preparation needs sifting, verification, and organization.  A systematic approach in developing various portfolios of knowledge is suggested which may help the aspirants in using the knowledge in an organized manner.
Tactical writing skills
While having the best of knowledge, preparation and practice, the final credit and success depends on perfect writing skills. The BCA suggests a strategy for impressive writing skills with focus on relevance, coherence and clarity.
Creative Thinking
Success in CSS Exam is directly related with the creative abilities of the aspirants. The Examiners expect that the selectees should have the ability of creative thinking which is considered essential for taking decisions and solving problems during the course of public service. The BCA gives a plan to develop this ability.